
For a deeper understanding of equitable open data practices, check out these resources:

  • Opening Data zine.

    Compiled by the DDJC and DCTP in 2015, the zine includes a primer on open data, real-world examples of data discrimination, use cases of data in organizing, creative data storytelling, and many links to follow for local projects.

  • Data DiscoTech model.

    Through photos and videos, see what happens at a Data DiscoTech from the perspectives of participants and station managers.

  • Open Data Policy Guidelines.

    Presented by the Sunlight Foundation, a national nonprofit dedicated to government transparency and accountability, these guidelines offer in-depth, technical ideas and language for comprehensive open data policy and are foundational to the locally-rooted recommendations we’ve presented in this report.

  • Teaching Community Technology Handbook

    This 100+ page handbook will take you through the history of popular education while offering a step-by-step guide to developing community rooted technology workshops and curricula. It helps us craft relevant, educational exercises for data literacy at DiscoTechs and through focus groups.

  • Open Data Release Toolkit

    Released by DataSF in California via Google Drive, the Toolkit supports our top two Recommendations for Equitable Open Data by providing "practical, clear guidance for government employees considering publication of sensitive or protected raw data" and offers strategies for identifying sensitive information, performing risk assessments, and choosing and implementing privacy solutions.

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Know of something else that should be on this list? We're especially interested in projects, reports, popular education tools and reading materials that model our vision for data justice.

Submit your ideas and links to additional resources by email at or submit an issue to our Github repository.